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Conversations That Can Change the World

a special conversation with the Bowhead Whales

1st Short Message received by Anastasia when checking in with the Deva of the Bowhead Whales

Anastasia - What message would you like to give to us?

Bowhead Whale - "I would like to tell the human race that you are living in incredible times and amazing things are available to you now. The use of your hearts will expedite all things you are manifesting or trying to make better in your world. And when I say this I say this to all of the human race, not just a select few.

Be wise by BEing silent more often and going deep within. Live your lives to the fullest. Love with total abundance and sincerity.

Join hands/fins and join hearts with us - as we make this shift".

Anastasia: Thank you




Some Facts About Bowheads - Click here for more information

The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) got its name from its high, arched jaw that resembles a bow. They are a cold-water whale that lives in the Arctic. Bowheads are still hunted by natives whalers in the Arctic.

The bowhead whale, also known as the Greenland right whale, is about 45-60 feet long and weighs 75-100 tons when full-grown. They have a stocky appearance.

Bowheads are mostly blue-black in coloration, but have white on their jaw and belly, and a patch on its tail stock (peduncle) that gets whiter with age. Bowheads also have stiff hairs on their jaws. Bowheads have broad, paddle-shaped, 6-foot long flippers and a huge, notched fluke (tail) that can be 25 feet across from tip to tip.

The bowhead's blubber layer is over 1 1/2 feet thick, which provides insulation against the cold waters of the Arctic.

A new organ was discovered in bowhead whales, and detailed in a study published in 2013. The roughly 12-foot long organ is on the roof of a bowhead whale's mouth and is made of a sponge-like tissue. The organ was discovered by scientists during the processing of a bowhead whale by natives. They think that it is used to regulate heat, and possibly for detecting prey and regulating baleen growth. Read more here. For more information along these lines, click here.



Conversations with the Bowhead Whales

(these conversatios took place in August of 2011)


Bowhead Whale Communication with Nancy Windheart
As I connected with the Bowhead whales, an elder female whale came to speak to me. I asked her what she had to share with us, with all humans, at this time.

We are a powerful and ancient species. Some of our family members, including me, are much older than any humans realize, well over 100 years in your human time, some much older…we have been embodied through many, many generations of your world. There are some of us who stay close to the ocean floor for much of our lives. These are the elders…the great healers…the ones who balance and care for this planet. They may be centuries old in human time.
Our species (bowheads/Arctic) has a particular mission here at this time. We are connected with all of our brother and sister cetaceans around the world. Our group has agreed to the task of keeping the planet in balance through our position at the top of the earth—(what you know as the North Pole and Arctic regions). Our travels through the arctic waters, our songs, the vibrations of our bodies, the our prayers and spiritual lives, keep this area in balance and keep the energy here flowing and healthy. [She shows me a picture of keeping the Earth’s axis balanced—as if it keeps the axis from tipping too much, and also balancing the magnetics of the pole and the ley lines of the earth].
If you could give advice that was to be taken to heart by each human being - what would that be?

You must love yourselves, find the love that is already present within your being. You cannot truly love the earth, or us, or any creatures on the earth, or any being at all, without experiencing this love within and for yourselves. This is the biggest challenge that humans have. All of the problems that humans create have this lack of love as their foundation. We understand this completely, and this is one of the greatest things we have volunteered to teach you. We continue to stay on this earth, and to do our balancing work here and throughout the galaxies, with this teaching of expanding love as our mission. We hold you in great tenderness and love as your species learns to take in this great truth. This is the next stage of your evolution.
Feel our gentleness, our benevolence, our kindness. We are the great heart of love. We unite with all beings of the earth in expressing this great outpouring of love. If humans can feel this love, and learn to take it in, know that they themselves embody this love, filling themselves and all around them with the expansiveness that we radiate out from the core of our being, then the entire earth will be covered in these  healing rays of light.
This is the new world that we are all birthing together.
It is not a matter of finding, or learning, or seeking, or creating this love. You simply open to the love that you already are. The love is here, filling you, surrounding you, being you, breathing you. It is like the air and the water that we take in through our bodies. All you need to do is to let go of the barriers that prevent you from experiencing it fully. It is simply a shedding of those things that are false, that do not serve, that are not real, that are NOT LOVE.
Love is not what you sometimes think it is. Love is breath. Love is life. Love surrounds us. It is our water, our air. We breathe in, we fill ourselves with love. We breathe out, we fill all that is around us with love. It is very, very simple.
With our great bodies and great hearts at the top of the earth, we invite you to link up with this love. Breathe it in, hold it, feel it. This is the love that you are, that we are, that we all are together. We are one breath, one life.



Kim LePiane's Communication with the Bowhead Whale May 2012


Kim: Thank you for being here with me. Is there something you would like us to know?

We are the Record Keepers of the planet.

Kim: Can you explain that to me?

We hold the information for the human race. We are here to be of service and we are here to assist humans to remember their ‘role’ in this experience here. Our memories are collective and far exceed our individual lifetimes here on this planet and in this way we hold the record of all that has transpired as well as the potentialities for the human race and the planet.

Kim: Can you give me more information about this and does it relate to multi-dimensionality?

Your role is one of steward to the planet and all her relations. When you are in right relation you are care-takers and act like parents overseeing the planet and all her inhabitants. Yes, it relates to multidimensionality.

Kim: Can you explain more about that to me?

I was then shown an example of a piece of paper being folded many times upon itself say in one inch pleats, (maybe this would make a big fan) then folded upon itself, so the final result is about one inch square.

This is one way to look at this. Each square would be akin to an era in time. Consider each era to be taking place in each square simultaneously. Then it is as though the paper is folded in on itself again and again. We are able to perceive all this as one package and yet, you humans would experience ‘now’ as one molecule of a dot in one square, on one side of the paper. Without being aware of the relationship to all the other squares on the paper. You perceive time as a linear progression across the paper, and events only impacting the future. We are able to perceive it all.

(NOTE: There may be more information about this, I was GONE, but this is the visual I was shown to share. I may have some details sketchy, but the general idea has been affirmed. If you want to talk more about this Staci, let me know.)

Kim: What is your message for the human race right now?

Be Love.

What would you like for us to know more about...

The visual I got was the whale in the ocean, floating, effortlessly, just in stasis, no effort involved, then, “This is how hard it is to Love... this is what it feels like, it is just being, no effort involved, it is our (referring to humans as well as whales) natural state. Yes we go to the surface to breathe, it is necessary to breathe, and we still remain in love. As you go about your lives, you are being reminded to Be Love.”


Kim: Is there anything you would like to say to us about being good stewards of the Earth and her inhabitants?

What we would like for you to recognize is that there is plenty of everything on this planet for everyone. Man has had a tendency to over do... to take more than the share needed to flourish. ~ I was then shown even in my own pantry and freezer I have far more food than we will consume and some of it will be wasted. I was reminded of pictures I had seen of a store which had an over abundance of seafood, and I was shown this is an example of taking too much. Much of this will go to waste. It could have been used to benefit other living creatures. It will be recycled into the system, but this is not the most efficient way for it to be utilized. I was being shown this is not about any particular race of people or population of people, that it seems to be a human trait especially after we industrialize. We over grow food, we over fish, we over do so much and if we scale back and take a smaller portion for ourselves, beginning with each of us in our own lives and homes then we will be closer to right relations with the planet and all she is providing for all of us.

Remember to float like we do in the sea of love. That will help you return to what you refer to as “calm center” the place where you connect to Source and All That Is. There is no room for anything there but love. Everything originates from this place.

Seeing the image of the floating whale in the ocean is a visual you can all use to connect to ‘calm center‘ at any time... We are here to assist you. If you use this tool you will be asking for assistance. We can do so much more together if we come together, even in this way.

Kim: It appears that the animals are becoming more awake as we humans are becoming more aware, is this accurate?

It is not that the animals are becoming more ‘awake’, as much as they are able recognize more aware humans. Though there are situations which are currently happening where humans are interacting regularly with some cetaceans, it must be recognized that we are aware of your heart. That is an essential part of the experience. You are now better able to see our awareness of you.

I was then shown a visual: as though someone was seeing a mirror for the first time, at first they think they are seeing a person apart from themselves, and then they realize they are looking at a reflection of themselves. They comprehend this interaction in a whole new way, and that is what is being referred to, many humans are beginning to comprehend this interaction with animals in a whole new way.

Kim: Is there a hint in that example, with the mirror and looking at ourselves.

Absolutely. (With a very warm, loving signature like an embrace <3)

Kim: Is there anything else you would like us to know at this time?

Yes, continue with blessing the waters, and spreading the word with reminders to people, even those who do not normally observe such practices. This makes what we are here to do much easier, and it is one aspect of stepping into good stewardship.

Remember to consume less and remind one another of this.

Continue the practice whereby you bless a stone when you come to the beaches or near waters... send your loving vibration into that stone for all of our relations. We are aware of this. Encourage more people to do acts such as these and get creative to ‘invent’ similar practices.

Do not forget to move in joy. See the visual of the whale leaping out of the water and crashing back down, just for the sheer joy. Acts such as these have an impact upon the planet and her inhabitants, in ways humans cannot entirely comprehend at this time. As good stewards you can spread the word, spread love and joy and conscious joy in motion.

Kim: I thank you for this opportunity to connect.


Final Communication between Anastasia and the Bowhead Whales in May 2012

Bowhead Whale Message

(this communication was heavy with impressions - more so than usual - I will put these in italics - the actual communication will be in regular type.

Incredible Energies Came in - lot of white swirling around in my 3rd eye (this 3rd eye is just beginning to fully awaken with me) Their energy is huge and I audibly hear Ancients - they are the Ancients.

They are happy I am here to speak with them and to take their messages back to humanity. They have so much they want humans to understand at this time and so much is being said and so much is changing. It is hard to stay out of FEAR when you are spending most of your time residing in your head.

The times call for moving to your heart space and from here they will connect with you whether you know animal communication or not. They have messages to download and they are telling me they will download them to your heart. They are reminding me what they have been doing with me lately in conversations.

When I first began animal communication over 3 years ago (specifically the reason our elearning DVD teaches to the basics of animal communication) - I would literally hear and feel a string of words at a time and transcribe them sentence by sentence. In the past 9-10 months, I am getting massive downloads that make me a bit foggy for a day or two - overwhelmed with all the information sometimes. Granny has asked me that when I go hiking now that I keep a running dialogue with her or one of my guides (she has an order of who I am to talk too :o) - i love how my etherial family keeps me going at a good pace for myself and have my back. I have never had anyone look out for me like they do - this is really reassuring and allows me to step out and to even take more criticism - It is an honor for them to ask me to do this so they are helping me put all this information together . . . because my BRAIN gets to whirling when they start talking, starts, Planets, Sirius, Atlantis, science . . . I start to freeze up - - - I am totally at home in the magic - but not so much in the science.

So the message the Bowheads are conveying to me now - Whether you know communication or not - Whether you are a novice or an advanced communicator - they have huge messages and downloads for humanity - each and every one of you . . .

So reach out to them. . . connect with them. Not sure how to do this??? Can be as simple as before you go to sleep to ask them to appear for you in dreamtime and help you realize who you are and why you are here on this Planet at this time. What are you lessons? What are you to still learn? Keep a journal close by and record what happens.

The Universe is moving forward quickly now, most road blocks are out of the way - it is just a matter of time and clean up to get things turned over and operating as it was always meant to be. This is not an easy job and it will take everyone working together . . . so MY, I, ME . . . it no can longer exisit in your vocabulary nor in your actions on our Planet - We - Us - ‘My friends and I ‘- - - are welcoming the new heaven to Earth - are the guardians, the ambassadors and the stewards of the new template - The anchors and bearers of the light and we commend you and offer you great thanks and praise as we humbly admire your devotion to the ONEnESS of your Universe.

More people will be coming on line with their 6th senses faster than ever . . . Love and light will lead everyone to where they are going. So if you feel stuck . . . if you feel confused . . . if you aren’t sure . . . wait it out . . . breath . . . get quiet . . . go deep . . . clear all other chatter from your mind . . . breathe again . . . meditate and then begin again after the confusion and worry have disappeared. That is a signal to go within - when your world without gets out of control. That is a secret you need to know going forward. Stay in the flow . . . We are there for you every step of the way.

Call on us often, work with our energies, ask for our assistance. We love you and we are in humble devotion and service to you. We are grateful for this union of friendship and your willingness to help move Planet Earth and our Universe forward. We love you.

Be beacons of light for us now and for you fallen brothers and sisters - especially for your brothers and sisters. Be the new Anchors for this New World. Daily anchor yourself and periodically throughout the day - recharge your anchor. See you anchor and light joining others on the grid. The fabric becomes stronger and stronger the more anchors that come to hold a sacred place on the Web of Life. Your Light is a beautiful beacon in our world - please come shine it with us. We need your light and your goodness now more than EVER in history - please help us in this task.

The more that join us in this anchoring of the Web of Life - the stronger this fabric in the Tapestry of Life becomes and the more good that come grow from this garden of creation that we are forming together under the lead of the beautiful divine feminine energies that have invaded your Planet with all the breath taking long lost and forgotten sensitivity and camaraderie that so many of you have been seeking for so very long.

Your time is now - - - the human race moves forward. We are humbly at your service for assistance and guidance whenever invited . . . we have lots to share with each individual - please come and open your hearts to us - share in the love - share in the wealth of knowledge that only you can bring forth to our Planet at this time.

We Love You and we Admire Your Journey and your Strength and Endurance - each and every one of you.

A new day has dawn and is welcomed by all in the Animal Kingdom - welcome back humanity - you now have a fighting chance to convert this all back to the heart Planet that Mother Earth was always meant to be - - - as well as spreading the love out into the Universe and Cosmos redefining the boundless energies and light that radiate from the brilliance of the diamond patterns that the crystal prisms shine from the human race on Earth - They sparkle in the brilliance and new knowledge.

We humbly thank thee.

Bowhead Whale and Anastasia Maria. For more information on Anastasia, Click Here

If you have a story or topic you think belongs on our website, please reach out to us at thunderbirdsinflight@gmail.com and we will gladly take it into consideration. Thank you in advance.

Whales are the keepers of the Akashic Records, do you want to experience a magical, mystical lifechanging healing with your Akashic Healing, It is like leveling your playing fields to ZERO from all discordant energies from all lifetimes you have eer lived. It frees you up to be you - no strings attached. And you begin to remember who you are and all the thing syou have been capable of doing in other lifetimes you have lived. And it is as if by magic, you become your own Indiana Jones character in your own movie of life and teh magic begins to expand and you see who much larger more complete picture of the amazing energies coming to our planet and bringing back with it an ERA of Love and Unity Community. Come seek, learn and discover with us as we ready ourselves and our Planet for this grand ascension of Mother Earth and ourselves.

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