
Pelicans, salmon, coyotes, eagles, seagulls, hawks and gorgeous skies that either are storming with a great need for a release or clearing out old energies and brining in wonderful new energies. It isgorgeous in another way. I have found myself confronted with alot of indian spirits to release from the land. Many stayed behind after dying and stayed with the land, they did not transition to the afterlife. They must be cleared for us to move forward. I communicated with them and asked them to please reincarnate that we needed great leaders in the days ahead on Planet Earth and children that could help move this forward and bring back our Earth to the Heart Planet she was always intended to be. I have not see this many to be cleared and then there were so many dark energies to clear. Didn't raise the hair on the back of my neck like this did when I first began doing this in January going down the Oregon, California and the lower quarter of the WA coasts to the Puget Sound Passage going north to Canada. I saw so much pain and sorry and scared, angry and confused spirits depart. Immediately a hole in the sky would open up and then rains like I have not experienced since clearing the energies aroudn the Yurba Indian tribe in Northern California by the Klamath River. So much discordant energy needed to be released. At one point I was going the highway and it began to pour. I had to pull over it was so strong and windy. This happens whenever I come into an area with alot of Spirits


This was shot at Ocean Shores. I had 75 pelicans flying formation over my head today at one moment. I was facing South and they kept circling down towards Westport and then would fly back by me every 15 minutes or so. The usually were in V formation. When I began playing the flute after my morning water blessings. They circled back around so I could see some of them from behind the huge vacant mansion that blocked our view instead of continuing on. It was a like a momentary acknowledgement. I was thrilled and viewed it as breath taking and spectacluar.

I am seeing miracles with the waterblessings. Skies clearing momentarily after a clearing for major rain storms to just dump on us sheets of rain that is very difficult to drive in. The Spirit world tells me it is a clearsing and purification process. To have the storming stop as quickly as it started and the sky to part and gorgeous billowous clouds with whales and other BEings showing themselves to me all with a beautiful vibrant blue sky.

Lots of thick clouds and major technology being waved around this morning. We had sound waves (sounded like a distant submarine and very faint), we had radiating waves changing the wall of clouds that comes up every morning from our oceans' horizon. I am being shown that these walls of clouds I have witnessed since January 2013 while traveling the Pacific Coast of the US is creates by (our government, our leaders - whatever you want to call these DESTROYERs. But I am being show that they are calling in the huge barges they use for radiating (I use this term because I am not sure of the exact technology that is coming out of each weapon used - just that different energeis are being produced and used against mother earth continuously each and every day. These golf ball barges I like to call them can handle larger areas that can do more damage but need to be used not so close to humans or at a milder rate which is handled well by all the satellite and cell phone towers they have all our the US now. These barges I am talking about are along the lines of this picture. . . the older ones use to look like giant golf balls and 3-5 were on each barge. They use to bring them into Seattle from Alaksh for repair and the weather would change to the worst of the worse weather every time it came in. So I am getting they are being used on the oceans to bring in huge clouds over the US and also it is harmful to all life within our oceans although the DESTROYERs will tell it is not. This is so prevalent along the entire western coastline of the US. Please add you water and land blessings to mine each day - it makes such a difference to all life within our oceans.

I got a beautiful message on Sunday. I was talking a few Makaw fishermen and they were telling me this was the best salmon run in over 25 years. It was fantastic, it was these same men that shared with me Pilot Whales come after their salmon all the time when they are fishing at one time have a few floating right under their boats. I could tell they were a bit fearful, they mentioned their teeth twice (smiling). I asked the Spirit World and the cetaceans what was going on with the increase in all the fish runs for the whales all over our Planet the last few years. I asked, "Is this because the Spirit World and Mother Earth are trying to give them some breaks during this time in our world when our oceans are loaded with toxins and plastics. The answer I received made me smile from my heart to root chakra and back again several times. I was eleated. They tell me it is all the efforts by all you wonderFULL folks who plug in daily for land and water blessings to our oceans. IT IS MAKING A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO OUR WORLD.



Pelican Medicine

Totems: Pelican

by Cie Simurro, a.k.a. Thunderbird Starwoman

From my perspective, the world is beautiful. The sky is alive with particles of light. The waters teem with sensitivity. The land provides refuge between the waters, and the sun gives life. The air, water, earth and fire are the essences of every other creation. I AM PELICAN. I am made from these and so are you. This is sufficient basis for cooperation, for do we not have the same desire to live in peace? We look different, but are both perfectly designed to fulfill our purpose for being alive. The real question is whether or not your perspective respects our differences. If so, how you live will reflect respect and reverence. Every decision will cultivate sustainable life for all now, and also for your children's children.

Even before I tuned into it's amazing medicine, I knew I'd be writing about pelican soon. While I was in California in December, I had the opportunity to feed minnows to a beautiful, young pelican on the Oceanside pier. As always, it was thrilling to be that close to one so wild, despite the smell of fish on my fingers all day. If you spot a pelican, it's probably an American White, for the Brown pelican is a seabird, not usually coastal, and rarely flies inland. In California, five pelicans flew low above me. White pelicans often fly in a V-formation like a squadron of airplanes, while browns fly single-file over water. To watch and feel them overhead, each with 9' wingspans is quite a display of power and effortless grace. Pelican energy helps us do things more effortlessly and maintain our equanimity when the winds of change shift. There's an old adage that says many hands make light work. It seems that applies to wings as well. Pelicans employ gliding flight; flying in formation economizes the effort. Air spills upward around the wingtip reducing the difference in air pressure between the underside and the upper. This is known as induced drag. By flying just above and behind another pelican, an individual can make use of the lift provided by this upward current. You may have done the same by riding in the draft behind a trailer-truck on the highway. From time to time, the lead pelican alternates its place in formation to benefit from this. As you may imagine, a pelican flying overhead casts a big shadow. For this reason, Natural Intelligence made White pelicans with white undersides. Fish cannot easily see white against the sky; hence they may get close before being spotted by prey.

In North America, pelicans can be found on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, as well as inland lakes and rivers. They are among the largest of all flying birds. Ungainly on land because they have the unique distinction of being the only bird with four webbed toes, in the air and water no one can deny pelican's magnificence, grace and power. If you are facing difficulties, pelican totem will show you how to rise above them. They carry both water (emotions; Spirit) and earth (physical, foundation) energy.

Pelicans are part of the ancient order Pelecaniformes. They go back 60-40 million years to the Eocene period. Ancient guano deposits in Peru show how pelicans shifted from place to place as shorelines and climate shifted, and earthquakes heaved landmasses. They haven't changed much in all this time. Their most obvious characteristic is their long, straight bill, hooked at the tip, with a large extensible pouch suspended beneath the lower mandible. Contrary to popular myth, fish are not stored in the pouch. It is used as a scoop or net. It holds three gallons of water. When prey is caught, water drains or is squeezed out as the pouch contracts. Brown pelicans will fly straight down to let the water out. Since water is the element that carries emotion, this aspect of pelican's medicine – the letting go of the water in the pouch - reminds me of a saying I have posted above my kitchen sink: Let feelings flow; then let them go. It epitomizes how healthy it is to let ourselves feel all our emotions, yet not hold onto them. Babies are master teachers of this. Even "good" feelings cannot be captured and made to stay. In fact, the attempt to do so usually causes them to evaporate. I experienced this recently when I got to spend two days with a beloved cousin, helping him take care of his great-nephew. All the sweet, close feelings that we shared throughout our childhood and young adult years washed over us again. Time flew by. I returned home filled with enjoyment, stories and affection, but also the poignancy of wishing it didn't have to end. I let myself feel that fully, then became present for my life again.

If pelican is your totem or you are experiencing its energy, you are probably known for being sociable and gracious to others. Pelicans do not compete with each other for food or nesting territory. Both White and Brown pelicans are gregarious. They breed and nest in colonies and fish cooperatively. One characteristic of these times that will only increase as an essential quality of life is cooperation. There is an unselfish quality to this totem. Pelican people know how to love deeply and unconditionally. It's also important to balance giving by caring for oneself. It's all in the balance.

I have been experiencing the cooperative aspect of pelican energy while writing about them. In late February my wrist broke after falling on ice hidden by powder. Independence became interdependence. I deeply appreciated the example of animals getting what they need, in some cases without hand-like extremities. In pelicans, bills act like hands and tools, even as a food basket! Think of it: they use their bills to eat, communicate, groom, build homes, care for young, kill prey and defend themselves. I figured out what one can and can't do with one hand. I learned I could open jars by leaning them against the counter and using my hip to hold them in place. Slicing and washing dishes was awkward but do-able. On the other hand (sorry for the pun), I had to ask others for rides and for help with things twisted tight, and opening storm windows. I even had to arrange for someone to wash my hair for a few weeks. This interdependence with others is a precursor of the kind of cooperation in community that will increase in the future. As earth changes like the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan, and the floods in Pakistan and Australia continue as the Mother rightfully rebalances herself, we must all pull together caring about each other in the reality of Oneness. Do you work well in conjunction with others? White pelicans hunt and feed cooperatively while afloat together. In synchronized swimming, they herd schools of small fish into a cove or surround the school in a tight net. All will dip their beaks into the water at the same time as they advance. They even sunbathe in synchrony. It is not unusual to see a flock all facing the sun, heads back, bills tilted toward the sky.

Full-grown pelicans weigh about fifteen pounds. One of the most unique things about pelicans is that they cannot sink. Air sacs beneath the skin add buoyancy. Are you able to rise up after defeat? Find inner serenity when things get difficult? Pelican medicine can help. The Brown pelican's dive for fish is a spectacular, twisting plunge headfirst of up to thirty feet, at 40 m.p.h. into a shoal of fish, catching one in the ensuing confusion. After being scooped up in the pouch, the fish is then tossed upward to be swallowed headfirst - if a Laughing gull doesn't snatch the catch while it's being tossed into the air. The dive may look painful but the air sacs absorb much of the impact.

The American White readies for mating by its face turning red and growing a big knob on its bill. They nest near water on a large mound. She usually lays two eggs. Both tend the nest and feed their young regurgitated food. This symbolizes that one should teach young people (especially our own children) by example, and only what we have digested and know ourselves. The adult can fly as much as 100 miles a day to find enough food to feed the two chicks. It takes 150 pounds of fish to raise one chick. At birth, the chicks are quite featherless and must be protected from the sun. The nape and crown of the adults turn grey and white while caring for the chicks as Nature's way of protecting them all with camouflage.

In addition to earth changes and global warming, many species suffer from pollution, pesticides, habitat destruction and rising water levels. Even if a species survives in small areas doesn't mean they are successfully conserved. Come autumn, pelicans up north are heading further south until it's time to breed again. Pelicans migrate either long or short distances and need to be able to touch down for food without running into oil slicks, plastics, and pesticide runoff. Like eagles and ospreys, pelicans have been adversely affected by pesticides in their food (fish and crustaceans), affecting overall health and immune systems. Pelicans are particularly susceptible to oil pollution from spills like the terrible Gulf oil disaster, which affected all the Gulf states. Their deaths are tragic, as they are often long and slow.

Pelicans have an uncanny ability to sense change. They can tell when a storm is coming or the tides are turning, even when seemingly asleep. As change on the planet accelerates, many of us are experiencing the same sensitivities as pelican. We may feel abnormally tired until our bodies adjust to the higher frequencies. We may feel an urgency toward change, at the same time fearing it; a great desire to be positioned where we need to be and doing what is most purposeful for us. Be awake, so you can sense when change is happening, when change is needed, and how to cope.

Before 1960, white pelicans were commonly shot by fishermen and government agencies because they were perceived to be competitors for fish. The truth is they catch mostly non-game species, so since that time, they have received some protection. DDT almost wiped out the Brown pelican by so weakening their eggshells, they couldn't withstand the parent's weight. DDT was banned in 1972. Pelican's strengths: making a comeback, recovering from losses and persevering through difficulties are perhaps the talismans of our times. Currently, we must ask why adult pelicans would abandon their eggs or newly hatched chicks; or question the mass mortality of chicks due to West Nile and other viruses. What imbalances in the environment are behind these mysteries? When we realize that not all pelicans mate every year, and even then the number of eggs is small, we see that humans are the real danger to this species. It's time to be aware that what happens to them eventually happens to us at the top of the food chain!


Cie Simurro ~ Thunderbird Starwoman has been a healer and writer for over 35 years. Her work is to bring forward and disseminate the healing arts and ancient universal wisdom through writing, teaching, and healing, facilitating the mystical reunion of humans with Source and Nature, in all directions, in equal balance, allied with the Elements, acknowledging the divine within all. cie@ciesimurro.com

Although the camera looks out of focus, I want you to look at all that is happening in the skies. The energies are alive and fighting this BS.
I have no idea what the light source is to the right above. It is an airplane coming - not sure if it has all its technology turned on that is causing this.
Spokane, WA last week - the consequences of the Etherial World working on the chemtrails the military bases in this area continue to cloud the skies with.
Spirit World clearing the skies of Spokane, WA again last week.




On the Fracking forefront . . . look what our scum bags have been doing while we have been sleeping - Much more of this to come in days, weeks and months World. Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up







Build you intuitive skills by learning how to talk to whales, dolphins and all BEings on the Web of Life. Everyone in our world is capable of speaking our Universal Lanaguage of mental telepathly to animals, plants and other beings. It is our divine birthright. We usually stuff it and forget about it completely by the time we reach grade school. Our parents tell us children. "Jeremy, that dog did not tell you he wanted to go out and play ball with you. You have such an overactive imagination son". Or "Meghan, Mz. Powderpuff did not tell you she wants a saucer of milk before bedtime." And guess what, we come straight from Source here to this planet with this information already pre-programmed inside of us. And then we begin to forget all this as we grow older because society has different mandates on us than the natural world does. Love is the only mandate in the world of nature.

Whale Communicators: The Dolphin-Human-Whale Connection - Over 5 and half hours of rich interative learning teaching you the Universal Language of the Whales, Dolphins and all life upon the Web. This elearning dvd is for anyone who loves whales and anyone who wants to learn or to improve their their telepathic skills thus accelerating their intuitive skill set. Anyone can do this. Click here for more information on the 5 hour elearning DVD.  

For healing for you or your animal, clearing of your akashic records, or spiritual training, invite Anastasia to bring her presentation: "Our Connection to the Web of Life" to your area, or purchase her elearning DVD, Whale Communicators: The Dolphin-Human-Whale Connection
email: anastasia@heartcommunicators.org or anastasia@whalecommunicators.com


For healing for you or your animal, clearing of your akashic records, or spiritual training, invite Anastasia to bring her presentation: "Our Connection to the Web of Life" to your area, or purchase her elearning DVD, Whale Communicators: The Dolphin-Human-Whale Connection
email: anastasia@heartcommunicators.org or anastasia@whalecommunicators.com

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