Communicating With Pilot Whales |
Pilot Whale communicating to Anastasia Housum January 9, 2012 - We LOVE you and we want to help you move to the next level. Please come to us and communicate with us. Hear from us the answers to the things that angst your heart or that help you house your JOY. Let us assist you to be the true essence of who you were meant to be energetically on this Planet. We have only your best and Divine interest in mind. We won't help unless asked but will gladly assist you in healing, renewing, communicating, spreading messages to the world. But you have to ask us, please remember this. WE LOVE YOU. Your success is one of our main initiatives. If you don't make it - We don't make it and if we don't make it you don't make it. And you say - of course . . . that is simple. But is is vast and it has so many outlying ramifications. (Seeing way to much to comprehend - but he probably realizes my limitations with Science) We need all of the energies of Planet Earth helping us elevate the energy of the Mass Consciousness . . . to allow the seed of Love, Rebirth, HOPE, Compassion, Peace, UNITY, brotherhood and sisterhood - felt and experienced far and wide. Please bless all water, land masses, condensation that rains back down on humanity and the seas, and all life on Planet Earth and within our Universe many times a day.. Anastasia) Okay, I am confused dear whale - - - you sound like me when I am doing one of my posts for healing the waters, the earth, humanity, etc??? Pilot Whale - Where do you think that thought originated? Anastasia: But of course, with the Whale consciousness - who better to BE with. Pilot Whale - It is we who are honored - Step Into Your Power Sistar - show others how to do it and live it. Give allowances to yourself first and also to others. You are getting there faster than you can imagine. Anastasia: Thank you and much love and generous feelings of wanting to just BE with you and LOVE in your space. Pilot Whale: Excellent Anastasia, BEing in your JOY and BLISS - you are doing it much more often and very aware of it. As we (many of the whales and dolphins) have told you - this is where the power and magic originates. Childlike innocence, wonder and awe - expecting miracles and using your imagination to build what you want Dream Bjg Dream colorfully and carefully and don't be afraid to color outside the lines. Have fun - JOY and BLISS are your individual missions. How much JOY & BLISS can you share with others and how much JOY & BLISS can you leave behind you after your visit? Anastasia - - - So in summary - - - - JOY & BLISS = MAGIC of Life {Great Energy of the Pilot Whales}
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