Welcome to our shop for Whale Communicators and Heart Communicators Life Changing and Life Enhancing services and sharing.

My name is Anastasia Maria and I am sharing some life skills and some 6th sense skills sets and services to help others overcome things that they have tried so hard to overcome in their lifetime and have not been able to with conventional or non-conventional means.

I believe there are 2 skills sets we need now more than ever in our world. The ability to speak telepathically to all beings upon the Web of Life and we need to know how to discern our TRUTH. How do you measure this? And how do you know when you are accurate with complete certainty? I would love the opportunity to share both these things with you.

I do many different intuitive services. The intuitive tools I think that are most important for all hearts/souls going forward in our world is an Akashic Record Clearing (approx $146). It will change you life in the best possible way. Then I recommend the Dicerning Truth or divine truth (3 part) workshpo $375).

If you would like to have more dialogue or dicussion around what services you want to engage or would be most beneficial for you; I would be glad to check with our Fatherand find out the best possible solutio/sn for you.

My job here is to help you heal an onboard yourself and find all your own answers. To be your own Guru and know how to communicate with our Father and his son and all benevolent life within our Universe. So much wisdom out here available to each and everyone of us. So much better diaglogue than TV (mind controlled idiot box)

It would be my honor to walk this part of your sacred journey with you.

Thank you for getting more information about what I do. And thank yourself big time for looking for more in life and something that will help you find the answers you seek in life and knowledge you didn't even know was there. Intentionally kept from the human race. It was kept from us to keep in dummied down and more controllable.

BE Bold

BE BRAVE and BE unique YOU now - this is what we need in our world now.


And email me with any questions you might have.

Thank you,









When we humans learn mental telepathy, we begin to open up all our 6th senses. our DVD is a University of Information on whales and dolphins and teaches you this ancient sacred univeral language that all being upon the Web of Life speak. It is the same language our indiginous people of our planet have used for ions of time. Isn't it time you gave yourself that leg up in life to intuitively know things by expanding and growing all your 6th senses. Over 5 hours of rich interactive elearning. It must be played on a computer with a DVD player to get the elearning experinece.


For more information about this DVD , Click Here.


Some of our heart expanding and self empowering sharing & services . . .


Journeying with the Whales and Dolphins ($111)

When making our elearnging DVD teaching others how to speak telepathically to whales, dolphins and all BEings upon the Web of Life, one of the things the dolphins and whales wanted us to know first and foremost to tell other people. You do not have to be in close proximity of them or in the water with them to have an incredible experience or a healing experience from them.

This is a new offering, I will take you on a journey with the whales and dolphins and any other animals (eagles, ravens, hawks, swans, hummingbirds, unicorns, etc . . . ) you want present. We will do a meditative journey and allow their energies in to work on your human grid and raise your energetic vibration up to your divine blueprint of what it was always meant to be. I will get a conversation especially for you from your favorite whale or dolphin.

Are you ready for a whaley mind blowing experience? Great because the animals of our planet have so much to share with us humans


Finding Your Divine Truth


Divine Truth - this is a 3 part course on how to find your Divine Truth and know when you have absolute TRUTH in your reach. A powerful self empowerment tool for anyone who wants to move mountains in their lives. (3 part mentoring sesssions ($375)

In this course I am giving you the most helpful tools I have learned and mastered to navigate the waters of this lifetime. I feel with this skill set anyone and everyone can find their own answers and begin to thrive in life with this knowledge like they never knew was possible in life.


For more information, Click Here.




Akashic Record Clearing ($146) session lasts 1-1.5 hours via phone or Skype


Are you not sure what you really need but know that you need to do something different than what you are doing. All my session, I connect with God (or our Creator - I can use another name if you are turned off by formal religion in our world) But I will align with the Divine Truth and I will help you discover who you truly are and what you need to do to begin or advance your journey so that you live in harmony with your heart, soul and your TRUTH.

I can include conversations with whales, dolphins, your pets (sometimes our best intuitives on what we need to be aware of in our lives).

I will assist you in finding the very CORE of your BEing and going within to find all our empowment and strength. If you are confused about what you are to do, this is a great place to start.

Click here for more information

Click the Buy Now Button to purchase now





Soul Reinstatement

($111-500 depending on severity of the interferences you are experiencing. You may need follow up which I will bill at $111 an session*)


In this day and age and with older souls who are really radiating light and walking their talk, there are many dark beings in our world who are messing with these radiant BEings as well as hijacking people's souls so that they cannot ascend and bring more light to our world. This is a pretty serious issue and can cause immense confustion, pain and literally taking someone off their life's path.

I work with Spirit, Jesus, the whales and dolphins to energetically cleanse a person's aura of all discordant energies. If there are cords to be cut we will do this as well. And then I will have the whales and dolphins work on raising your energy field to that of your divine blueprint an then cleanse your energy field with beautiful colored rainbow healing and energies of love, joy, peace & harmony. I will then ask Spirit to reactivate your soul to it original and best energetic blueprint.

If your soul has been taken and you are innundated with dark energies, we (myself as the conduit for the energy and God as the only one with this ability to do this) will reinstate your soul to it's original divine blueprint so that you can continue with your awakening and doing the work that you came here to do.

Please email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators and let me know what is going on with you and please leave me a phone number where I can call you back (or I might email depending on each case) and quote you a price. Thank you in advance. ~Anastasia



Intuitive Session With Anastasia


This is one of my favorite offerings. It helps me to get to know you on a soul level and it helps you immensely in knowing where you need to get to to ascend to the 5th dimension. We all must go through the 4th dimension to get to the 5th and this is where some of our hardships happen. So this is a perfect opportunity for you to find a intuitive road map for your journey.. We can add the wisdom of the whales, other animals (pets or in the wild that keep appearing to you. I intuit answers for your questions or suggestions from God and the etherial world.

Maybe you not sure what you really need but know that you need to do something different than what you are doing. In all my sessions, I connect with God (or our Creator - I also refer to God as Spirit -same Creator) I can use another name if you are turned off by formal religion in our world) But I will align with the Divine Truth and I will help you discover who you truly are and what you need to do to begin or advance your journey so that you live in harmony with your heart, soul and your TRUTH. My ultimate goal is to help the human race ascend past the 3rd and 4th dimensions and to begin to truly live a life of heaven upon earth as was our destiny from the start before eveything was hijacked by darkness.

I can include conversations with whales, dolphins, your pets (who are sometimes our best intuitives on what we need to be aware of in our lives) or animals that keep appearing to you in nature or in dreamtime. There are so many messengers upon our planet trying to help us all to excel and ascend.

I will assist you in finding the very CORE of your BEing and going within to find all our empowment and strength. If you are confused about what you are to do, this is a great place to start.

$100 an hour for intuitive session, I will break into 15 minute increments for billing purposes after the first hour or if you are a regular client.



Chord Cutting

Removing entities or energy vampires from your energetic field. This clearing is based upon the number of entities and difficulty of removing these entities. Price raises the more involved the clearing becomes. ($111 for an 1 hr session) Unfortunately for me; bu,t fortunately for those I work with, I was innundated

I will remove all entities and I will give you personalized steps to begin to do this for yourself daily if not several times a day. Again I repeat, everyone has to walk through here; there are NO free passes.

If this is a service you are interested in, email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators.com with you specifics and I will divine for you the proper methods for making you clear from these negative energies and lined up to your divine blueprint so that you can BE all you came here to be. I love to use the whales and dolphins to help with this attunement as I learned this information first hand from them.

I cannot emphasize this enough, if you have had difficulty with these nasties hanging around, it is because of your light and that you are more than likely an old soul. A high vibrating BEing in many many many lifetimes. So they will not leave abracadabra style. But you can eliminate the damage they can do, you can get them out of your energy field and you can live with this and even thrive with this in your life. There are many ways around this and you will become a stronger healer/human as a result of all this. And once you ascend, you won't have to worry about these ugly irritants any more. They cannot touch you in the 5th dimension and beyond. This is it for them - 4th dimension. ($100 for me to do this for you or $300 for me to teach you how you do this and you do this for yourself and others.)





Clearing Your Chakras with Rainbow Healing Colors and Energies

(Lasts 30-60 minutes; depending on each person chakras and their blocks). This is one of my favorite services. I absolutely love working with the rainbow healing energies of Jesus. I have never worked with such powerful fast acting healing energies. A beautiful session with many outwardly visibble results that will leave you balanced, feeling much more in control of your path and will leave all your energetic fields cleared and layered in the most beautiful rainbow healing energies. I will be glad to send you home with directions on how to do this for yourself daily as well. Please ask me for this service if you are interested in bringing yourself to your highest energetic state and living in this space.

Please email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators and let me know what is going on with you and please leave me a phone number where I can call you back (or I might email depending on each case) Approx $146 a session. Thank you in advance. ~Anastasia



Home, Land & Water Blessing (Please email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators.com for pricing and with your geographical location and needs)



I will come to your home and clear energies (dark or discordant) and I will bless your home and land. If you don't have dark energies to clear, I will do an overall clearing of all energies and bles syour land, water and home.

I guarantee I can get ancient or recent dark energies to go away and I can close any dark portals. The end effect will be land and plants that will grow like crazy from this point forward and a relaxed paradise that you can now truly call home.

If you have spirits messing with people in the home, this will help rid you of these and return your home to balance and a peaceful place to reside and live your lives to the fullest as was always intended by our creator. Depending on the type of spirits or hauntings you have in your home may change the price on the clearing. I try to keep this affordable but if you have major problems in the home and several hauntings, I will ask God what is the price I should charge per home/land.

I can adjust my clearing for most any situation and help you eleviate what you no longer want around your area and invite in all the things you do want. I guarantee 100% satifaction.

If you have an especially difficult situation on your hands with more than one dark entity, this may take longer than one clearing and price will need to be adjusted for extra work. I feel confident we can get most things these days in one sweep and I will leave you with ways you can reinforce and back up your home with a customized blessings each day.

*Traveling expenses not included



Website Design, Development and Production. Custom designed pages at $100 a page.

Before I began talking to the whales and dolphins and sharing intuitive wisdom with others, I was in the Corporate World doing Web Based and Computer based trianing. I have alot of graphic, website and production experience in my backgroun.

I can create a custom site or a WordPress Site (from one of Wordpress' many templates to suit your needs. I am really good with custom graphics and would love to create an incredible web presentation for your business. We can also call in the spirit world or animals on the Web of Life to imube your sight with love wisdom, etc. . .

My fee is a $100 a page. If it is a simple page with little to no custom work on it and in excess of 3 pages, I am willing to look at what you need and possibly negotiate a lower price for you.

We can add a store, pay pal acct, merchant credit card and link your page to all your social networks.

For more information, email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators.com

These are samples of my websites - I used black just to make all the color on my websites POP. I do use white backgrounds or more conservative formats as well.

*I will ask the Great Almighty beforehand and divine for each person what the cost of the session will be for each service. So you will know up front what you will be spending and there will be no surprises. Please ask me to specifically do this for you if you need this answer before we begin to work. If you are having money problems, I will take this into consideration when asking God, Spirit (the Great Almighty). I no longer do free work because I have found that humans do not see the value in the healing unless there is an exchange of energy in some form. And because I cannot afford to continue free services. When there is an exchange of energy for services, it insures the success of your healing. Thank You


If you have questions about the servies or you want to purchase more than one service and need some input. Please send me specific information as to what you are looking for and I will gladly get back to you, please go to our mailing list and fill out the form for me or email me at anastasia@whalecommunicators.com Click here and fill out your message on this link and leave me your phone number and your email address to reach out to you. Thank you

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photo by Kathleen Carr