Whale Communicators has been dogged by cyber stalking and acts of terroism by a few select people within the whale and dolphin industry as well as in the animal communication arena to my amazement and dismay since the summer of 2009. They would gather their friends and take aim and bully me, our page and act like some would act like they were friends and take conversations down low vibrating paths on purpose on our active Facebook page pretending they were someone they were not. They acted like this was sport. I no longer have the energy to feel their energies and I need to let it go. So Heart Communicators is the next era of sharing messages from wise BEings within our universe. I sure hope you will join us. Granny and friends are glad I am changing the name and chaning the vibration on something in the past.
Thank you for following the messages of the whales and dolphins. Whale Communicators will stand as it is for as long as I can keep this going. However, FB page for Whale Communicators has been folded into the Heart Communicators site and we still don't allow bullying and radical activism. Thank you in advance for being responsible for our energy in our presence.
Please share our website and messages with your friends, the young, the old, all loved ones and especially the sensitives in the family.
They could have written this :o) They know down deep - they KNOW. And come join us often here and help us write the next chapters in the Revolution of Love that is well in progress upon our Planet.
❥♡❥ ♡[τ̲̅н̲̅a̲̅и̲̅κ̲̅ ч̲̅o̲̅u̲̅]☼ ❥♡❥