It makes an immense amount of difference to all BEings who live in the water wehn we take time to sit and pray, meditate, send healing reiki energies, or spend this moment in whatever way you choose to celebrate and uplife Mother Earth and all her land masses, waterways, planets, animals and minerals. Not just the whales and dolphins. And it takes as little as 5 mintues a day.
If you are nt sure what we are talking about. It can look like the following:
"I call upon, our Father, the Source of all things beautiful and of the highest vibration, sometimes I call him God but that limits the enormit of this one. And so many people are being fooled and calling upon false Gods these days - so I want there to be no mistaken that I work for the one and only Most High benevolent beautiful Father. I also call upon my high self (holds the wisdom of all my lifetimes). i call upon all the whales and dolpins and other benevolent spirits who I work with doing land and water blessings.I make a point to emphasize when caling in my healing and great translformaiton team that everyone we work with is benevolent of HEART and work wiht and for our Creator - nothing less than this can participate in our work. I call upon all benavolent spirit guides, animal guides, recent ancestors who have passed, the high self of all the planetary healers of our Universe, all benevolent ETs of our Universe who are aligned with our Father. All of Cetacean Nation in the etheral world or on Planet EArth to join me as I imbue the waterways and land masses & and all living benevolent BEings with LOVE, PEACE, HEALING, HOPE, COMPASSION, RENEWAL, REBIRTH, REGROWTH AND MORE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Envison the water shining with healing crystals of all these wonderful energies time releasing our Father's beautiful magic as we recreate our heaven upon Earth and within our Universe and eradicate the darkness.
See the rain and precipitation from the skies imbued as well - showering their wonderful blissings all over mankind and enveloping our cetaceans and our ocean life in the warmest fuzziest blanket of Love. Bless all water that leaves your home and goes into our sewer system the same way, healing everything in its way and leaving a high vibrating impression of love and healing.
Invision people hearts opening wide as this is happening and more love, peace and prosperity entering into their world now.
And so it is . . .
Anastasia, Whale Communicators | Heart Communicators
And SO IT IS Pod Mates ღ¸☆´♥☮ ¸.✿´´¯`•.¸¸. ི♥ྀ☮♥♡❥´´¯`•☆.¸¸. ི♥ྀ ><(((*>♥
For more information on water blessings, Click here
For more information on water, Click here.
For a recording of a water blessing with Whale Communicators, Anastasia Maria, Click here.